Source code for omdpb.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
**Utility functions for the omdpb package**.

import importlib
import json
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import parser

# Python3 and Python2 compatibility
    from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
except ImportError:
    from urllib2 import urlopen, Request

DATE_FORMATS = ('%Y%m%d', '%Y%m%d%H%M')

[docs]def http_get_api(request): """ *Makes a HTML GET request to the url ``request``*. The content of the HTML GET request has to be either json or csv. Parameters ---------- request : str A string containing a url. Returns ------- pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Returns a DataFrame containing the parsed request content. Raises ------ urllib.error.HTTPError If there is a problem with the connection (internal server error, bad request, ...). AssertionError If the response status (HTML) code is not 200. Examples -------- >>> http_get_api(API_URL + 'stations') ALT LAT ... coordinates type 0 210.00 46.243333 ... [669803.015640121, 5123442.04315501] Point 1 873.99 46.621876 ... [626295.144332811, 5164467.60475602] Point 2 2152.00 46.841700 ... [744723.350800056, 5192575.70046406] Point 3 2260.00 46.615600 ... [688387.444866793, 5165389.11604176] Point 4 2747.00 46.856100 ... [743964.273827689, 5194147.3777763] Point 5 2926.00 46.776700 ... [613580.465752357, 5181424.77411351] Point """ # make the GET request to the API response = urlopen(Request(request)) # check if the request is valid and results in no http error assert response.code == 200, 'not a valid response, \ http error {}'.format(response.code) # read the response content (json or csv) response_content = json.loads('utf-8')) return response_content
def _merge_dicts(dict1, dict2): """ *Merges two dictionaries*. This function is intended for internal use. Parameters ---------- dict1 : dict A dictionary to merge to ``dict2``. dict2 : dict A dictionary. Returns ------- dict The merged dictionary. Raises ------ AttributeError If one of the input parameters is not a dictionary. """ dict2.update(dict1) return dict2
[docs]def check_dependencies(package_names, ret=False): """ *Check if a package can be imported, if not throw a warning*. Parameters ---------- package_names : list A list containing the packages' names (str) to be imported. Returns ------- NoneType If all packages can be imported. list If ``ret`` is True; list of all packages that could not be found. """ not_met = [] for package in package_names: try: importlib.import_module(package) except ImportError: not_met.append(package) if not_met: errmsg = 'WARNING: the following packages could not be found: ' print(errmsg + ', '.join(not_met)) if ret: return not_met
[docs]def check_date_format(date): """ *Checks ìf the format of ``date`` is one of the formats in DATE_FORMATS*. Allowed DATE_FORMATS = ('%Y%m%d', '%Y%m%d%H%M') Parameters ---------- date : str A string containing a date. Returns ------- NoneType If ``date`` is one of the formats in DATE_FORMATS, the function passes without raising an error. Raises ------ ValueError If ``date`` is not of type str. ValueError If ``date`` is not one of the formats in DATE_FORMATS. Examples -------- >>> check_date_format('20180903') >>> check_date_format('2018-01-01') ValueError('Incorrect date format, should be one of ('%Y%m%d', '%Y%m%d%H%M')') """ if date is None: return if not isinstance(date, str): raise ValueError('date should be of type str,' + ' received {}'.format(type(date))) valid = list() # check if date has correct format for frmt in DATE_FORMATS: try: valid.append(datetime.strptime(date, frmt)) except ValueError: pass if not valid: raise ValueError('Incorrect date format,' + ' should be one of {}'.format(DATE_FORMATS))
def _to_date_format(date, dformat, utc=False): """ *Converts the Open Meteo Data Api date format to custom date format*. This function is intended for internal use. If ``utc`` is true, ``date`` will first be converted to UTC and then returned in ``dformat``. Throws a warning if ``date`` is not in the '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SCEST' or '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SCET'format. Parameters ---------- date : str A date string from the Api. dformat : str The desired date format. utc : boolean Convert the date to UTC. Returns ------- str The converted date string. Examples -------- >>> _to_date_format(date='2018-09-05T15:00:00CEST', dformat='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') '20180903150000' >>> _to_date_format(date='2018-09-05T15:00:00CEST', dformat='%Y %b %d, %H:%M') '2018 Sep 03, 15:00' >>> _to_date_format(date='2018-09-05T15:00:00CEST', format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', utc=True) '2018-09-05 13:00:00' >>> _to_date_format(date='2018-09-01T00:00:00CET', format='%a %d %B, %I:%M %p', utc=True) 'Fri 31 August, 11:00 PM' """ if 'CEST' in date: dtime = parser.parse(date.replace('CEST', '+02:00')) elif 'CET' in date: dtime = parser.parse(date.replace('CET', '+01:00')) else: print('WARNING: date should have format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SCEST or ' + '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SCET.') return None if utc: dtime -= dtime.utcoffset() return dtime.strftime(dformat)