Source code for omdpb.cmd

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
**Command line interface to the omdpb package**.

import sys
import argparse
from os import path
import pandas as pd
from omdpb import open_meteo_data as omd

[docs]def cmd_parser(): """ *Command line argument parser for the openmeteodata entry point*. Returns ------- argparse.ArgumentParser The specified argument parser. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage="""%(prog)s <dtype> [<args>] [<options>]""", description="""Download meteorological data from the Open Meteo Data Api of the Province of Bolzano.""", epilog="""Api url:""") # Create an argument group for data types: # Choices are metadata of stations, metadata of sensors and time series # of sensors arggroup = parser.add_argument_group('Data types') # Positional (required) argument datatype arggroup.add_argument('Dtype', default='timeseries', action='store', help="""The metadata of a station (stations), the metadata of a sensor (sensors) or the time series of a sensor (timeseries)""", choices=['stations', 'sensors', 'timeseries'], metavar='<dtype>') # Create an argument group for station code and sensor type arggroup = parser.add_argument_group('Station code and sensor type') # The station code, default is None for interactive selection on console arggroup.add_argument('-stc', '--station_code', default=None, dest='SCODE', action='store', help='The station identifier (SCODE)', metavar='<scode>') # The sensor type, default is None for interactive selection on console arggroup.add_argument('-snc', '--sensor_code', default=None, dest='TYPE', action='store', help='The sensor identifier(s) (TYPE)', nargs='+', metavar='<type>') # Create an argument group for time series period arggroup = parser.add_argument_group('Time series period') # The starting date, default is None returning last 24h of data arggroup.add_argument('-df', '--date_from', default=None, dest='date_from', action='store', help='The starting date of the time series', metavar='<date>') # The ending date, default is None returning last 24h of data arggroup.add_argument('-dt', '--date_to', default=None, dest='date_to', action='store', help='The ending date of the time series', metavar='<date>') # Create an argument group for output handling arggroup = parser.add_argument_group('Output options') # Optional argument for saving output to file arggroup.add_argument('-s', '--save', default=False, action='store_true', help='Save the output to file') # Output file format arggroup.add_argument('-f', '--format', default='csv', action='store', help='Output file format', choices=['csv', 'json'], metavar='<format>') # Output file path arggroup.add_argument('-p', '--path', default=path.expanduser('~\\Documents\\'), action='store', help='Output file path', metavar='<path>') # Output file name arggroup.add_argument('-fn', '--file_name', default='omdpb', action='store', help='Output file name', metavar='<name>') return parser
[docs]def openmeteodata_io(argv): """ *The openmeteodata command line tool*. Parameters ---------- args: list output of sys.args[1:]. """ # Try to parse the arguments with the specified parser parser = cmd_parser() # if no arguments are specified, print the help if not argv: parser.print_help() sys.exit() # if arguments are specified, try to parse them with the defined parser try: args = parser.parse_args(argv) except SystemExit: return # Check input and perform respective actions if args.Dtype == 'stations': out = omd.station_metadata() if args.Dtype == 'sensors': out = omd.sensor_metadata(station_code=args.SCODE, sensor_code=args.TYPE) if args.Dtype == 'timeseries': out = omd.sensor_data(station_code=args.SCODE, sensor_code=args.TYPE, date_from=args.date_from, date_to=args.date_to,, sformat=args.format, path=args.path, filename=args.file_name) with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 1000, 'display.max_columns', None, 'display.width', 1000): print(out) if not return if args.format == 'csv': out.to_csv(args.path + args.file_name + '.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8') else: out.to_json(args.path + args.file_name + '.json', orient='columns')
[docs]def openmeteodata(): """ *Entry point for the omdpb package*""" openmeteodata_io(sys.argv[1:])