
The updated Alpine PoK for Mobility and Transport offers a user-friendly interface that gathers results of studies, projects and activities of the EUSALP Action Group4 Mobility (AG4). The Alpine PoK for Mobility and Transport will be continuously updated to become an important communication and decision-support tool on transport in the Alpine Region.


Action Group 4 of the EU Strategy of the Alpine Region (EUSALP) is an Alpine wide platform of states, regions and stakeholders working to coordinate and harmonise their activities for a sustainable transport and mobility system. Its mission is to build a common understanding of transport policy and mobility, to define common objectives and to launch specific activities and projects.Further information on the EUSALP AG4


The iMONITRAF! network is a political network of Alpine regions along the major alpine crossing transit corridors. Its aim is to harmonise the modal shift policy along the corridors, with the objective of reducing environmental burdens of transalpine transport. In the frame of previous Interreg projects, the iMONITRAF! WebGIS was developed to include annual data collection on selected indicators. Continuous data collection since 2005 is analysed and published in the iMONITRAF! annual report.


European Region Tyrol - South Tyrol - Trentino

Co-leader of the EUSALP AG4

The update of the Alpine PoK for Mobility and Transport is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space Programme.


The information is provided by iMONITRAF! and by Action Group 4 of the Macro-regional Strategy for the Alpine Region EUSALP.

Data licence
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

EUSALP transport and mobility conflict map

The aim of the CONFLICT MAP is to identify the most important challenges and conflicts of transport and mobility in the Alpine Region and to visualise them by means of concrete examples to inform the wider public about the importance and complexity of the topic, balancing the sustainable social, economic and ecological development of the Alpine Region.

Find out more about the challenges in the Alpine Region by clicking on the Icons in the map.

The Alpine Region as a hotspot of cross-border commuter flows in Europe

The share of cross-border commuters, crossing at least one national border on the transfers between home and work, is significantly higher in the Alpine Region than the European average values.

In the frame of the ARPAF project CrossBorder existing cross-border commuter flows in twelve pre-selected commuter hotspots in the Alpine Region are analysed based on in- and outgoing commuter flows, as well as on infrastructure quality of road and rail. CrossBorder aims at identifying gaps in the infrastructure and at facilitating sustainable cross-border commuting, avoiding negative impacts on economy, society and the environment. Find out more about the commuter hot spots in the Alpine Region by clicking on the Icons in the map.

Differentiation of vehicle charges – incentives for modern Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV)

Criteria adopted to differentiate tolls in the EUSALP countries

Currently, HGV charging systems in the Alpine countries include various criteria for differentiation of charges. Whereas charges are defined on the vehicle category in France and Italy, Switzerland and Austria, and to a lesser extend Germany and Slovenia have implemented more differentiated approaches to better make use of the polluter-pays and user-pays principle (see overview below).

Differentiating HGV road charges to CO2 emissions could be a good policy instrument to incentivise the use of more efficient HGV in terms of environmental impact, particularly as there is little support for other potential instruments (e.g. increasing fuel taxes, CO2 regulation for new HGVs or CO2-differentiated purchase taxes). Experiences with differentiation of HGV road charges to EURO standards show that such schemes can be effective (Austria, Switzerland where the large majority of the fleet used in international transport is respecting the most advanced standards).

Harmonisation energy taxes

Diesel and electricity taxes in the 7 EUSALP countries

While the industrial price of energy can be seen as nearly aligned among countries of the EUSALP Region, the energy tax of a vehicle is quite different. Within road freight transport the common means of transport is an HGV powered by diesel. The map shows in grey the diesel tax per country (net of the excise reimbursement allowed for in Italy, France and Slovenia).

The maximum spread highlighted (32 €c/l) would influence the operating cost of an HGV crossing the Alps for approximately 9-10 €c/km and consequently makes certain corridors more attractive than others. However, strategies for tank filling can reduce this impact and therefore the effect of differentiated taxes on energy is rather limited. On the other hand, high taxes on fuels can be seen as a way to internalise the external costs of air pollution.

Looking at rail transport, the electricity tax within EUSALP area, though it represents a very small share of the operating costs of a railway undertaking shows a wide differentiation. The exemption applied in Italy and Switzerland may be seen as a good practice to be extended to the whole EUSALP area.

Rail infrastructure charges: clarity and harmonisation of design criteria

Differentiation of rail infrastracture charges in the EUSALP countries

Rail infrastructure charges are determined and calculated in different ways. A simplification of the calculation methods and the application of the same criteria to differentiate the charges would be beneficial for the operators. Especially, a common approach to consider environmental aspects (especially regarding noise emissions) would be favourable.

Alternative fuel strategies

The national strategies do not focus on the sameo bjectives and are not based on the same type of projects. However, it seems that biofuels are not part of the strong trends, and that LPG only concerns the countries of the Southern Alpine arc, and H2 rather the West. All the countries have in common the implementation of initiatives in favour of electric mobility.

Baltic - Adriatic corridor

It runs from the Baltic seaports of Gdansk, Gdynia, Szczecin and Swinoujscie in the north, to the Adriatic ports of Koper, Trieste, Venice and Ravenna in the south North-sea Mediterranean.



Inland waterways

Mediterranean corridor

It runs between the south-western Mediterranean region of Spain and the Ukrainian border with Hungary, following the coastlines of Spain and France and crossing the Alps towards the east through Italy, Slovenia and Croatia and continuing through Hungary up to its eastern border with Ukraine.



Inland waterways

Scandinavian - Mediterranean corridor

The corridor stretches from Finland and Sweden in the North, to the island of Malta in the South, taking in Denmark, Northern, Central and Southern Germany, the industrial heartlands of Northern Italy and the southern Italian ports.



Inland waterways

Rhine - Alpine corridor

It connects key North Sea ports of Belgium and the Netherlands with the Mediterranean port of Genoa.



Inland waterways

North Sea - Mediterranean corridor

It stretches from the Scottish capital Edinburgh in the north, to the French ports of Marseille and Fos-sur-Mer in the south; passing through Ireland, England, the Low Countries and the French capital, before skirting the French/German boarder en-route south.



Inland waterways